Liuba, quel joli cadeau pour mon anniversaire aujourd'hui, 18 mai, jour de l'ascension du Christ pour les Chrétiens, orthodoxes aussi je pense. Le 18 mai 1950 m'a mère qui était très croyante catholique à réussi à me faire naître aussi un jour de l' 'ascension. Et demain j'ai un très bon espoir de signer un contrat de courtage pour la vente d'une belle villa d'une personnalité libyenne importante. J'espère que la chance va de nouveau me sourire comme il y a 20ans, quand je venais vous visiter à Kiev, dans votre appartement...J'aime beaucoup l'expression et le sourire de cette jeune femme. Qu'elle est son nom, où habite-t-elle?
Bien à vous, Pierre
Views: 192 |
Added by: luda |
Date: 2023-05-20

I go abroad to meet a friend, with my money I pay for air travel, hotel, taxi, food... For me, I repeat once again, you are only and exclusively a friend. At the moment nothing more. I hope I was clear! And in my house, which is a beautiful villa, my children live in this period. One last thing to be honest all the way. With the retouched, edited photos, no longer real nobody goes shopping at the supermarket. I learned that in life it is better to be yourself. I’m not looking for dolls, but a real woman. Most likely you are not the person for me and neither am I man for you. I don’t need a doll to go out and go shopping. I need a beautiful and smart woman to share my life with. Someone who loves to cook, who is character-stable. There are so many differenc
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Views: 171 |
Added by: luda |
Date: 2023-05-20

If Natali wants to come to my house in Italy, I can invite her, but she must be 100% honest and she must want 100% to be with me..
If this is the usual way to cheat money, it’s better for her that she stays in Ukraine and for you that you never hear from again
If she wants to be my woman, she can still recover... But I’m a man. I don’t waste time with girls. Let him tell you what he wants to do with his life. And It is important that she does not want to have children.
.I can take an airplane flight and travel whenever and wherever I want.
My kids each drive a car I bought for them.
They’re of age.
Do you think I have to get up at night to give milk to a newborn?
Not a chance .
I’m fine
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Views: 198 |
Added by: luda |
Date: 2023-05-20

Liubov, I understand that you want to propose every Ukrainian woman to me, it is your job and you must live. It is normal. I always give people a chance. Unfortunately, these women often don’t understand that they have a real chance, they don’t even realize it. They think they are beautiful and so they are pretentious. The years pass and they remain poor, without a future. A wasted life. You and I try to find a possible solution. If you find the right person, everything is fine. Otherwise I helped you in your work and you live your life. Only Irina seemed very smart to me. The other women were frivolous, inconsistent. I don’t put my life in the hands of an unsuitable person. Even in Italy it’s difficult. It’s full of divorced women with c
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Views: 199 |
Added by: luda |
Date: 2023-05-20