Our Agency  arranged many marriages. Some photos and video you can see here.


They married in 2014, in spring, in Kiev. Now they live in Italia.



"It is the personalised service that sets Luda's introduction agency apart from any other. If you tell exactly what you are looking for, she will work to your brief. It is a pleasure talking with Luda." Dev, Melbourne Sept. 2014.


Hi Luda,
It was nice to hear from you. How are you? .  So good thing which happened to me while I was in Ukraine was meeting with such a nice lady as you. You are very honest lady and you treated me very well and even tried to protect me. I remember all your good deeds and I will always be obliged to you because you treated me like your son. I remember you said it. Thank you so much , I am living in UK now and travel to Netherlands every week for business trip. Just wanted to let you know where I am. Im not married yet, but its will be some day.
Thanks and Regards Peter 14 Sep 2014.

Soyez honores!
Quelle est superbe cette vie!
Quel bonheur procurez-vous dans notre vie?
Il parait tres necessaire de se relaxer dans notre vie quotidienne.Travaillez donc votre cerveau etant vivants.
Diversifiez vos loisirs pour eviter la monotonie.
Debarrassez-vous de votre pessimisme et devenez optimistes voire surrealistes.
Ajoutez le sentiment d'aventure dans votre esprit laborieux.
Travaillez et prenez de la peine pour gagner de l'argent.
Visitez surtout notre beau pays qui est l'UKRAINE muni de tres belles femmes.
Contactez l'agence <<LOVE>>pour ameliorer votre destin et vivre heureux pendant tout le reste de votre vie.
Que vivent a jamais tous les partenaires et collaborateurs de l'agence <<LOVE>>!Que l'intelligence et le savoir-faire vous accompagnent toujours!
Que ta renommee soit toujours grande,o,excellente agence!Prends soin de tous les celibataires et divorces et veufs du monde entier.
Gloire a vous,madame LUDA pour votre sagesse  dans la gerance de la meilleure agence de rendez-vous et de mariage!



I have worked with this Agency and found Luda to be very  reliable .If problems- she always helped me to quickly make things right. I met better educated women in Kiev than at home, in my country ,in USA. I reccomed Luda heartily.I have used several different Agencies in Kiev to meet women. The difference is that Luda doing and tries  do always  the best. Im glad to reccomend her. Now Im in relations whis nice girls from her Agency and Im sure we will married soon.   Paul .20 Sept 2014 Kiev       


Hello my name is Philip from USA 10/10/2014

My first travel to Ukraine was in 2002,after working several with dating agency which only sell you an email address and postal address which lands your name in an Ocean of other names all trying to capture the overwhelmed lady with emails and wondering which one to choose and also if you do start email conversation with lady you have no idea who the person is you are writing too on your email and no idea who is receiving all the flowers,money and chocolate you are asked to send,could be nice Ukrainian man which posted a picture of his wife or girl friend.

With Lyuda you are getting much different result,if you are serious about having wife and or companion you need to purchase a plane ticket and go directly to Kiev and meet with Lyuda and she will get you meeting with real live ladies looking for real relationship and not just some nice emails from time to time.
There are many other people trying to do same as Lyuda but there is no comparison,you can find many people which will promise and (prey) over your money but if you want real result and wonderful lady that will pray to God to help guide her to bring the right lady in to your life then there is only one Lyuda.Same as many motorcycle companies try to imitate Harley Davidson motorcycles,many try copy and be like Lyuda but they are not the same as the real original.
Many people say you should not trust dating-marriage agency.The first man Adam was given a woman named Eve by God then for many years parents would send servants to find wife for their son,so unless your parents will send a servant to find you a wife you should give Lyuda opportunity to be your servant and find your wife.
If you decide to find a serious girl I recommend you this Dating Agency. All girls in this Agency real and serious, Alex
Tania and Jacky. 12.03.2016. Paris, France.