Where to Find Decent Woman?

i am tired. I am coming back from a new job. In northern Italy. I will go abroad on Sunday for 5 days. I fight tooth and nail every day to get on with my life. Companies offer me a job because I am a decent man, but above all a capable and honest professional. What do I do with a useless doll that for me is only a cost? Can you tell Victoria about me. She will definitely remember. I don’t need to pray to a woman to be with me. I can choose if I want to. These women should just kiss on the floor if they meet a man like me or another decent man. Instead they are flimsy like cream, useless and ungrateful.But in the same time I want to say that if a man will be lucky and will find a nice woman from Ukraine -he will be very happy.There is something very special about ukrainian women, that have made them favoured by a lot of western husband.) Not just their appearance and spirit, but usually being very child and family oriented, being very ideal mothers and wives.

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