Opinion Of Our Client

I have a feeling that the war in Ukraine is not going to end anytime soon. I hope I'm wrong.  according to convenience. The Ukrainian people had to . . Diplomacy had to dialogue well and about everything.  Too many deaths to no avail. Broken lives. Families destroyed. Demolished houses. How long (years) will it take to rebuild the country? Whose money will the reconstruction be? Free? I don't think so unfortunately! And who lost their life? There will be weapons everywhere in Ukraine, so the country will not be safe. Also after. There are unexploded bombs in the fields ... Risks of radiation from nuclear power plants. I saw your beautiful country before the war. It was a poor country, but it had very beautiful things. A country that needed to be helped to make a qualitative leap. I appreciate the pride of the Ukrainian people, the defense of the homeland, but I don't understand why such a tragedy could have happened.

We need to go to the churchs to pray God to finish this cruel war.

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