This Is Truth...


"Italia is a very beautiful country, but now the realiiity are like this client wrote.. I agree with him that before marriage  a woman has to think about future not only of her, but also about future of future child.

"Lina or any other Ukrainian woman how do you plan to start a family? With what money? And if she brings into the world, hoping that the child is born without diseases, what future can she give to the child? Especially if she does not have a future. And when the  passion with this guy is over what remains of his life? When he receives friend at home what can he offer and where he hosts them? And if she becomes seriously ill who cares without money? What trips will she make?.... Liubov I will not leave you because you are a certainty for me. Those who leave me will never have better chances. A Ukrainian woman should walk here barefoot. In our Italian cities it is full of Ukrainian women who are alone, widows, single, separated who come very willingly to do the cleaning at our house. This is the truth."

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