"No more Ukrainian women!"- Our client decided like this. But I a sure, that he will continue to look for his dream girl in Ukraine.

Luda, I don’t need a Ukrainian person to be happy. I don’t miss anything. You saw with your own eyes the style of the Italian woman. There is no comparison with your girls. We live two realities too different, too far away, too many differences. I don’t have to adapt to a Ukrainian woman. If anything, it’s the opposite. This experience made me think a lot. I understood many things. Wife and oxen of your country. After all, I lost nothing, while your girls starting from Lina will have to have a better life because otherwise losing me is a defeat for their lives. Now I have to sign up for a new job ... Read more »

Views: 146 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-03-27 | Comments (0)


"Dear Luda, I am speaking to you from the heart, without hatred, without pretense, with all my sincerity, with total respect for you and your friend. I’m not going to send money, just a plane ticket. But before that, it’s very important to me that she understands that I don’t want to have relations with her. I don’t care. I don’t want to kiss her either, I don’t need to. I just wanted to meet this person, look at her eyes, see her behavior and see if it was appropriate for both of us to continue our mutual acquaintance. Getting to know a person takes time. Most likely it could have been more just for both of us that we weren’t made for each other. We would have stayed on good terms. Everyone would have made the ... Read more »

Views: 149 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-03-27 | Comments (0)