" Dear ,I am writing to you my thoughts in total sincerity. You will not be able to stay all your life in Poland living like a refugee. It would be unthinkable. So you have to decide where to go and above all have a safe, peaceful life in a cozy home because this nightmare needs to be removed. Unfortunately, other people will not have the same opportunity as you. Life will not be easy for them. So be grateful to Luda who opened a door for you. Now it's up to you to be brave and decide what you want to do with your life.
Nobody forces you, but you can choose. Never forget this. Others are not allowed to choose. And those who cannot choose must suffer suffering, misery and abandonment for a long time.
You are a woman. Behave like an adult and ... Read more »

Views: 218 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-03-08 | Comments (0)

 Demain on va celebrer  chez nous La Fete de Femmes -8 Mars. Chez nous cette jour est devenue tres populaire. On celebre toute les femmes, y compris les jeune femmes, meres, grand-meres, les filles et meme les petites filles. 

 On peut comparer le 8 Mars avec la fete des meres a l·Ouest, mais cher noue ce plus populaire.

 Comme nous travaillon avec les femmes nous voulons  leur dire "De Santee et de l·Amour"

Views: 198 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-03-08 | Comments (0)