She Prefered Younger Man


She prefered younger man! Yes!  And our client is  suffering. The story is old like the world. In any case we will help to our client to find his dream girl.

"Honestly Luda I do not understand your regret. You wrote me that you have introduced a young man that she loves and she wants to become his wife. So it’s a beautiful thing. You must be happy to have found love for her. She is happy with him. She will marry him and his life will be with him. I hope that their relationship lasts a lifetime. She thinks I’m old and ugly. She has this idea of me. It’s her problem. I don’t care about her. I’ve lived 50 years without her, I can live the rest of my life without her. A woman decides man she loves. She loves him. And it’s because of you. So it’s all clear. I was rejected by her. But that doesn’t stop me from living my life with serenity and opportunity to meet a woman who truly loves me. She doesn’t exist anymore for me. It never existed. And it will never have more space in my life"

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