Sometimes we receive the letters like this.What to do- eveybody has his own opinion.

"These Ukrainian women don’t even find me interesting. I don’t like them at all. I really liked only K. 
I’m 100% sure you’ll never find someone for me. 
I’m sure you will. 
You tried to. 
I showed you my last two loves, a Russian woman and an Italian woman 
This is my aesthetic level. 
Only k was of that level. 
The others are much more normal. 
Don’t waste time on me, I don’t need a normal woman. 
Just a beautiful, ex-model-type woman, but with head on shoulders and total devotion to me. 
You don’t have women for m ... Read more »

Views: 133 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-04-17 | Comments (0)

 Sometimes we receive the letters like this.What to do- eveybody has his own opinion.

"These Ukrainian women don’t even find me interesting. I don’t like them at all. I really liked only K. 
I’m 100% sure you’ll never find someone for me. 
I’m sure you will. 
You tried to. 
I showed you my last two loves, a Russian woman and an Italian woman 
This is my aesthetic level. 
Only k was of that level. 
The others are much more normal. 
Don’t waste time on me, I don’t need a normal woman. 
Just a beautiful, ex-model-type woman, but with head on shoulders and total devotion to me. 
You don’t have women for me. 
You have many women for other men. 
Not for me."

Views: 156 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-04-17 | Comments (0)