Our customer invited Lina to visit him in Italia

"Lina, coaches to Italy are free. You don't have to pay anything. If they ask you for money it is a scam. Never trust strange people. I live 100 meters from the carabinieri office, if you have to go through a document check. The hospital is 200 meters away. If you come I must give you all the useful information and the guarantees of security and peace. You will have a bedroom all to yourself with a private bathroom.
I would host all your people in my home, but I can't.
Good night"

Views: 206 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-04-06 | Comments (0)

Our customer gave the chance to our client, but she prefered another man. she has the right to chose.

" Luda, you don’t have to do anything.
She decided her future, and you have to respect her choice

 She knows what to do..

And I will respect her choice also,
Everyone chooses in life who to be with and who not to be with. 
A beautiful 30 year old Ukrainian girl I had heard months ago, she fell in love with a 35 year old Ukrainian boy and they will live in Kiev with so many problems. She could come to Rome and be a different woman with me, but she preferred to be poor in Ukraine. 
I don’t care about her anymore. 
She’s like your friend. 
I thank God for esca ... Read more »

Views: 176 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-04-06 | Comments (0)