He Wants Ideal Lady


The total failure (to date) of my love life and all my relationships are my total responsibility. 100% I am the only one responsible. The reason is very simple :  I have always fallen in love with women who are culturally too different from me. Most of the time I fell in love with a dream and inside that dream I put a person. One gives. The reality was different. If I fall in love with a woman who does not cook, but I like to eat together, after a short time you quarrel. If I. I love a woman who wants to go out every night after dinner, it’s me who makes mistakes. If I fall in love with a woman who has been unfaithful in previous engagements, I cannot expect her to become faithful to me: then I leave her. If I fall in love with a woman who spends more money than she does, I can’t blame anyone but myself. If I fall in love with an exhibitionist woman with other men for the simple sake of receiving appreciation (often vulgar) I can not think of making a life with a woman with this character. I have always given only and exclusively value to the external aspect (two beautiful , a beautiful breast, a beautiful face), and I have never seen the woman inside. Now, after all these disappointments, and after having had only and exclusivel love with hundreds of Italian women, I will pay much attention to the value of the woman.. If she doesn’t have the same values and principles as me, I, even though she is miss universe, don’t even look at her. I’m not a kid, so I can’t and I don’t want to make a rash or a bad choice. My children would laugh at me and lose their respect. So I will have to make a really important choice that will not be to waste time or just to have fun, but a right decision that will have a precise meaning of which to be proud and proud.

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