In our agency a great event -Aftertomorrow new date in Roma!  We just started to work with new agency from Vinnitsa and so nice result. Our client Luka liked the girl fro that new agency. Her name is Lina. Only read a romantic letter, whivh Lina wrote to Luka. Lina gave us the permission to publish her letter.

"Beautiful evening outside the window beautiful words and your thoughts! my friend will not rush things we are only on the eve of the meeting and the meeting is destined for us by fate. it is important that we respect each other and appreciate! from this great love is born! I thank you for the wonderful reception and gentlemanly attitude towards me and the situation in general"

Views: 145 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-06-04 | Comments (0)

 She is not as attractive as other women , like Lina , but she seems at least to care and to be ready to listen to my moods and probably to be helpful , instead of be ready to keep asking for whatsoever and for guarantees . There are definitely oeolle who seem to care about human being , and others who care about what they can get from human being . It is just  a big waste of time to be with pretentious women who seem to think that I must pay all to habe the big gift of their presence . If you have women who look for emotionality for and from an human being , tjhey are welcomed  My ideal woman is like this-  Elegant, tall, never vulgar, slender, stately, simple, clean, charming, sunny.I’m in Vienna at the airport. I’m coming from Varna. ... Read more »

Views: 139 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-06-04 | Comments (0)

Liubov, look what video Aliona sent me. It’s really not beautiful, seedy, insignificant. Do you think I’m going to let such a  person into my house? I think he has  shot hair. When a woman does not have the brain, has no culture, elegance, style, charm... to try to receive attention from a man what she does: she dressed not beautiful   A decent man cannot fall in love with the woman like this. What a pain! What do I do with a woman dressed up like a doll who mimics frivolous attitudes. She’s not the woman for me. She’s pretty, but she doesn’t have the thickness of a real woman and she has an ephemeral vanity that is also worth appreciating. Is her life all that?  Are you satisfied with that? What do I do ... Read more »

Views: 147 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-06-04 | Comments (0)

Sometimes we receive the letters like this. Not pleasant letter. Buy do you think that Mario really will delete our number from his phone?. No. He came back and we helped  him to meet a nive lady. And who knows, maybe she will be just for him.

"I’m going to delete your cell phone number. I’m sorry about this horrible experience. I won’t bother you anymore. Thanks for the nice words you wrote about me.
I have everything. I can choose who I want when I want.
Because of your friends, our relationship is definitely over.
Another agency will find my soul mate for me. 


Views: 134 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-06-04 | Comments (0)