Interesting Thoughts of Our Client


" My dear Vera,

I am writing this letter in an effort to save our relationship. In the last several days I noticed that we lost something, and even something dark has entered your being. I have meditated on why and how we can come back to a greater union and love……. that is if you choose to do so. It will require a lot of courage on your part. When we first met, I wanted to warn you of what might occur but I felt it would be a little to heavy to take in and it might scare you away. What I wanted to say is that because of who I am, someone who understands the workings of the Matrix and who actively resists the Matrix, the beings who run this Matrix will use people that are close to me to try to get to me. Now I will explain in detail how this works and the details of the dynamics. I really hope you are open minded enough to take this in. This could be a little shocking to you to say the least.


There are beings which I mentioned to you named Archons that are the architects of the Matrix, the control system that is designed to keep humanity suppressed. The Archons are Demons that do not have physical bodies but commonly possess human bodies so they can have an experience in this physical reality. They enter the victims body through negative thought patterns, particularly with thoughts pertaining to anger , greed, fear, lust, and many other negative thought patterns. You can easily see this with an alcoholic and other patterns of addiction. There is a dark energy that is the being of the Demon that has taken over the body of the victim and is commanding the victims thoughts to have another drink and another drink even though the alcohol is poisoning the victim and ruining his life.


These Archons/ Demons need to keep humanities vibration as low as possible so that they can take over humanity. Already the large majority of humanity is possessed to one degree or another. The Archons also try to sabotage a relationship especially one like ours where there is a great potential for love as in a soul mate type relationship.  These Demons cannot tolerate love as this raises your vibration and they cannot remain in such an environment. So they look for your weakness, ie a negative though pattern(s ) that they can enter you and then take you over so to speak. It is not obvious to the victim as your thought patterns seem to be coming from you...."


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