How We Work

 We remind to our client how we work.  And we want to say that even the situation in Kiev is serious, even dangerous, we continue to work.
First of all , our agency does not write the letters between man and women.
We prefere to work another way.
We are sure ,that only personal meeting can give the result.
If you have a posdibility to come to Ukraine,to Kiev-its the best solution. If no-you can choose the photos of ladies and buy their contacts and start the correspondance with them.
Then you can come in Kiev and meet with those ladies in person. I can propose you a nice apartment in the center of Kiev for reasonable price and also organise cultural program. We are sure,that normal life will come soon.

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Views: 214 | Added by: luda | Date: 2022-10-11 | Comments (0)


Angela, you and I are two adults. Life has given us a unique opportunity : to get to know each other and meet each other.

We must not waste this wonderful opportunity.

It’s good for both of us.

That’s why I’ll give my 100% to get to you. I want to show by deeds not only with words that I want a woman at my side (not a step back and not even forward) and that this woman is you.

Have a good day"

Views: 217 | Added by: luda | Date: 2022-10-11 | Comments (0)