It is Not Enough...


We have a nice client from Italia, but he has very hight demands for the future wife:

"You have to tell this girl that she is definitely a beautiful woman, but this is not enough to be happy in life. If you can’t figure out what kind of man is in front of you, you’ll only make the wrong choices that will ruin you. If you don’t want a man like me, it’s only fair that you make different choices, but you must be certain that you can expect more. I think you’re really a very shallow person. .. They didn’t realize that I want a woman standing by my side, but a woman proud to be with me. I don’t run after anyone. Now you will have to do a job of convincing so many men to find a right man for her. Are you sure you’ll find a better person than me for her? If not, she’ll have to adapt and swallow bitter bits. 

If she wants to know me, she comes to Italy, she proves that she was wrong, she behaves well and when she sees how I live and where I live she never comes back.

Thank you"

But in any case we will help him to find a right woman for marriage.

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