I reclaim my heart back because i will need it soon this is the new little one ! There was in history helena of troy but history alwsys reapets it self and now is helena of kiev ! The touch of her hand electrafies my body and the taste of her lips could bring all the stars and angels down and surender infront of  her and her smile can wipe away all the sadness around us !  Luda u are always right with everything ,  i have taken a sighn from up above that this little on is the one i can say the chosen one !  Mama call i salute her !  i had enough trouble ! Its time for happines and the bonus is on the way !

There are many paper hearts around us in life the only way to find out is u light a match and u burn them and after will remain the real hearts ...  because the paper hearts give only pain ...  and they so many and u should never go back to them ...

Heavens at my feet now that i have found u again , my life will be complete if i w ... Read more »

Views: 1174 | Added by: luda | Date: 2015-12-27 | Comments (0)

The power of love is watching us from above it is hidden in the cloudes of kiev and guiding my one and only love of my life my Girl , she is my princess and i am her knight in shiny armor because she is my Lady !  And i will protect her with my life against all the deamons that are are trying to hurt her ...  i am ready to face my destiny .. azy ,  please forgive me that i will hate u for abit ...  because love is always stronger than hate

I cried last night while i was counting , the sadness in my soul and you wernt next to the light of my life ate u for abit ...  because love is always stronger than hate !

! My captain please take me with you , we both have the same fate in life  ,  for two eyes like the deep blue sea i destoyd my life so please take me with you , all my life i was in the waves  so please take me with you i cant anymore these strikes on my heart and soul , so please take me with you to the dark blue sea...

... Read more »
Views: 1014 | Added by: luda | Date: 2015-12-27 | Comments (0)

There are many paper hearts around us in life the only way to find out is u light a match and u burn them and after will remain the real hearts ...  because the paper hearts give only pain ...  and they so many and u should never go back to them...

Heavens at my feet now that i have found u again , my life will be complete if i will be around you , no one else has touch me so deeply , no one could satisfy me so sweetly , love me till the end of  time..

Life keeps secrets for the right time i believe in miracles and in wishes coming true only for special people who deserve it...

... Forgive me i have the need to hear u , forgive me i have so much to tell you , that whatever i do in my life first i think of you , and whatever i write they are poems for you out of my heart , and i have so many things to say and so many things to give you , and how to surrender my soul when the time will come , and now i remain here with all this i cant give , tell ... Read more »

Views: 988 | Added by: luda | Date: 2015-12-27 | Comments (0)