Jacky has A good news. Finally all papers for marriage in France are ready. Arrange the papers for marriage its a long story. but its important. Jacky will t ... Read more »

Views: 1140 | Added by: luda | Date: 2015-12-14 | Comments (0)

 I never felt in love, its first time in my40yo I knew all the deepness of love. Love cannot be whisout desapointments, but its better that desapointments whisout Love. Tom from Greece

Views: 1078 | Added by: luda | Date: 2015-12-14 | Comments (0)

Look at what has become of a writer of love and pain because i never felt in love and i think soon i will escape and find my way because i deserve better and all this is because Nata sold my heart out or whatever she wishes her name to be its Sunday maybe pops is doing a great job with her  , everytime that passes i try to forget you , every minute i breathe i try to think u never exist , but my love to you is to strong and Real , never let me forget you any second , you are my angel sent from heaven and u also the demon sent from hell to haunt me and give me pain but why ? you know u are the love of my life my only precious tresure , u will warm my winter and full fill my desires but life is too jealous and unfair to our happines , now u walk away with the other one and hide and lie to me , i feel i have lost you foreve my princess , everynight before i close my eyes , i think of u lay by my side , every single time i try to smile , the memories come and make me cry ... Read more »

Views: 1163 | Added by: luda | Date: 2015-12-14 | Comments (0)

Hello my sweet Luda , i like you very much and can consider you a second mother , and will listen to you because u know better this trap called Love , i dont know because we men have two heads one up and one down , i always followd the down head and never had problems , this time u make me follow the up head that is conected with the heart , and my heart open , but it open only for my pusycat miaou miaou Nata , First time im blocked in my life and caught in this trap of love , if i told any one here WHO know me that i come there and did nothing it would be discrace for me , but when u follow your heart u make sacrifices , and hurt , this pain i take it all alone , it will never be the same with the next girl even if i meet because all the feelings and romance i kept inside me all these years i have taken them out with Nata , and i dont have nothing left to give , this i can say is love , my body has returned to Greece , but my heart has remain in ki ... Read more »

Views: 1233 | Added by: luda | Date: 2015-12-14 | Comments (0)