Today we reveived a letter from new client. He complains about not honest Marriage agencies. But there are honest Marriage agenies. We are one of them. We do not write the letters instead the girls, we organize the dates bettween ladies and men and we are responsible for a good organisation of those dates. we sell also the Whats ap, Viber or Telagrams numbers of Ladies. We worked more then 20 years and our Agency is situated in the same adress and the same name "Love" and the same contact telephone. It is easy to see in our Site.

"!I will be more than happy to do that but you realize that there are so many fraud in the market and most of the marriage agencies are cheating and giving a wrong information and falsified girls which does not e ... Read more »

Views: 141 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-11-20 | Comments (0)