They Will Meet Soon

Yes Dear , i will come over to you just have to let me get done with my ongoing contract , i am a private/ Independent contractor , all risk is the job are on me till i get my contract completed . i will be happy to meret you soon

I understand your point very well , i am a very easygoing and understanding man with a heart of Gold , i believe you are also a simple sweet woman with a heart of gold , i will be happy to meet you soon . I want to really see you on video call , it so painful the internet connection here is messed up , please let me know what time you go to bed ? i will love to call you on video , so you get to see the Handsome Man you are communicating with. please try to understand my situation with the internet problem here on the Rig vessel at my work current work location in Doha , Qatar .. Thanks for your understanding (prayer_hands)

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