He Seeks Wife

I’m an independent person who knows that life is better when you have someone by your side. I've gotten to an age and point in my career where I understand the need for balancing work and home life. Family, friends, and experiences (rather than possessions) have become so important to me. I'm always smiling and I laugh easily, because of this people may get the impression that I'm flirty and that's not true because it’s actually quite the opposite of me. I am serious when I need to be. Just choose to focus on the positive side of things rather than the negative.I get the warm fuzzes when someone does something nice. I'm a great husband material because my natural personality is to be loving and caring. I need to know that those close to me are OK and well taken care of. Although it may be hard for me to ask, I need someone to give me a hug every now and then when I'm feeling blue. Hope I could ask you some few questions if let’s get to know more about each other, as they say .

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