This is our  client   from USA. He is very serious about marriage and we want to help him to find his half. He was married before , but his wife din't appreciate  him. We hope to help to find him a wife which  can appreciate his kind heart and good character.

Dear woman! If you like the photo of our client , please, write to him. He will answer to all letters.

Views: 757 | Added by: luda | Date: 2017-12-21 | Comments (0)

 Dear Friends!  It was always tradition in  my country, that in winter the people started to organize the Parties, the balls, the Dance's Evenings in order  the  young people could meet their half.  Do you remember the ball where Tatiana Larina  met  for the firs time Onegin?  Poushkin wrote his poem" Eugeniy Onegin "many years ago, but  the description of ball ,.

where Tatiana met Onegin, we all remember from school.

 Now, when the winter came, we  also decided to organize  the Winter's Ball  "Fairy-tale of Winter". We think,. it will be interesting. 

 So dear friends, if you want to come to our Ball"Fairy-tale of Winter" and meet you Tatiana or your Onegin- you are wery wellcome. The Ball will be the29th of December in Kiev.  For more information write to us

 or you can call us +380679749 ... Read more »

Views: 745 | Added by: luda | Date: 2017-12-20 | Comments (0)

The 19 th of December  we celebrate St. Nikolay Day. This religious holiday in my country is very popular. For the people who want to find their half- there is a special prayer to St. Nikolay to send the half for the happy family life. This is this prayer:

"Молитва Святому Николаю Чудотворцу о замужестве и женитьбе
О всехвальный, великий чудотворче, святителю Христов, отче Николае! Молю тя, буди надежда всех христиан, верных защититель, алчущих кормитель, плачущих веселие, болящих врач, по морю плавающих управитель, убогих и сирых питатель и всем скорый помощник и покровитель, да мирное зде поживем житие и да сподобимся видети славу избранных Божиих на небеси и с ними непрестанно воспевати Единаго в Троице покланяемого Бога во веки веков. Аминь."

Views: 783 | Added by: luda | Date: 2017-12-19 | Comments (0)

We have a client from Italia. His name is Fabio. He is very kind and with a big heart. He fell in love with our client Yanina. It's a real, very deep love.but Yanina is angre to Fabio for some reasons.

Fabio asks Yanina answer his letter. Without Yanina his life has no sense.Oh, so deep love!Santa Claus, please, bring this letter to Yanina anf tell her about this deep and tender feelings to her.

... Read more »

Views: 767 | Added by: luda | Date: 2017-12-18 | Comments (0)

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