Our client Fabio from Italie real in love. He loved our client Yanina so deeply that he think about her every day and even cannot sleep in the nights. He has no appetite no more. So deep can be love. Yanina do'snt answer his sms for now. But I'm sure ,that when she will read all his letters and she will realise how deep are Fabio's feelings to her. This is his letter to Yanina :
This way our client Fabio see her family's life with her loved woman.
"Cara Yanina, ti scrivo questa lettera in italiano, io spero che tu puoi leggerla e le mie parole e sentimenti d'amore possano raggiungere il tuo animo e Cuore. Io non sto bene in salute, il mio Cuore soffre tantissimo, in tutti questi lunghissimi mesi ho c
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