Wedding Dress

Few traditions are so beautiful and romantic as the wedding dress. Thus, any attire of the attendees is absolutely overshadowed in the ceremony and subsequent celebration, including the groom´s. She is the great protagonist and her clothing reminds us of that.

Her dress, her veil, her headdress and the accessories are part of a whole, whose full content most of the time we think we know. In that sense, the colour of the dress, white or close to, is something typical of the western countries or its influence on the global culture and, of course, it has not always been this way. Since ancient times, the clothes that covered the bride have been very different colours, including red or black, in periods where white was the colour of mourning. Even today, in many countries in Asia the quintessential colour for the bride is still red.

Where does the current tradition of the white wedding dress come from? It is actually relatively recent and comes from Queen Victoria´s wedding dress, whose historical influence is more than remarkable not only in the United Kingdom and Europe, but throughout the world through the Commonwealth of Nations. She chose that colour and her image there in the mid-nineteenth century toured the world and set trends.

We could make the common mistake of identifying the snowy with the pure, when it comes to the wedding dress. However, the purity according to the Greek and Roman tradition is contributed by the veil and even some hidden blue detail, being white color in the origins of our culture symbol of joy.

Therefore, when we attend the wedding of relatives or friends, we will know that guests have the role of witnesses, since before their eyes the joy of the bride remains when married, as her dress remains, while she shows to others the voluntary surrender of her purity to her beloved, when she consents to the lifting of the veil, leaving the blue detail hidden until a more intimate moment.

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