We Are Optimists

"As you know the situation of world is very bad.   We all are in for indefinite period of lockdown,  no transportation, hotels etc.   in short it is highly difficult to meet in person at least for some more period.  


Why not we plan for an online discussion either by Whatsapp or email.  It is very faster and  more simple.   Regarding  coming frequently to your country in the present situation is highly impossible.   Let us finalise  a deal of match for  proposal of marriage and I will pay the lumpsum amount to your services".- this letter we received today from one our client.

 What a nice positive letter! Yes, of course we will do everything to help this man to find his destiny.

" Just do it!"- a very good proverb. And I can say "Just Do It Even in this Difficult time". And the result will come itself.

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