She Seeks Husband

 Iam here in order to find my future husband. My friend recommended my this site. She found here her husband and now she is married and has a son already. Her marriage is happy. And i also decided to try to find my destiny here.

 I want to find my special man, that special person who will always be there to share true friendship, love, trust and honessty, that special person who gives you peace, love, joy, affection and happiness.I seek for someone to share love and affection with someone who is also tired of being  alone and wish to find true love. I wish to find someone like who know what he wantsina woman. Something long term were we can learn from each other to love each other better and also grow old together in peace, unity, love and affection.In the future i want to have a child in our marriage. Iam ready for this. All my friends are marriede already and have children, only Iam alone.

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