Serious Intentions

  He is 38 years old, never married, no children. Educated, intelligent  kind and serious. He received the education in the best University in in USA and he continue to study. 

But , at 38  years old you need to think about your half. Where to find her? Also educated, beautiful and young. 

 And  It was so big pleasure to me ,when he came to my agency and told me that he  wanted to meet only one charming lady from my Catalog. He could feel this one special lady from many ladies in my Catalog. 

 It was so  romantic this  date with her.  And now he has to go back to his country and this very seriously  about this girl and to come back in Kiev to meet her again and continue the relations.

 So nice to know , that there are serious and responsible man in this world to my ladies!

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