Seeks Wife

 My name is Miki. I live in Sweden. Iam serious about marriage.I like to think I'm kind and, various people have said as much. As fo hobbies? Not really the sort of hobby to enjoy!! Real likeable hobbies though are primarily sailing. I think I am as happy as anywhere when out on the boat in a warm climate with a good breeze blowing me along, preferably with a good companion. I enjoy walking and used to walk long distances, but age and artificial knees have brought that back to more reasonable distances (7 or 8 km instead of 30+) photography, though I now have so many photos I am being more careful about what I take. AS for hunting that's a big NO!  I like the music, cinema, museums.

I like to help the people when they ask me. My friends say that Iam kind, with the sense of humor and responsible.

 Iam looking for a serious woman from 25-45 for marriage. Only serious lady!


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