Romantic Trip

This Summer was started  in our Agency by the very romantic trip to Portugal.

He came to our agency and the end of March and meet in our agency a charming girl. They liked each other and after his departure to his contry they continued to correspond by Viber. As soon he had the possibility to meet her again -he invited her to go with him to the romantic trip  to any contry, which she likes. I was also invited to go together with her.

Now we are in Portugale. We stay in the hotel  Riviera, very nice hotel just near the Atlantic Ocean.

What can be better than the ocean? Only the ocean.  The water is a little cool for now, but we can swim. We all three person like  the swimming a lot. But  what was the best - the beach. 

I think It will be better if i will publih the photos and, my dear readers, you can see yourself.

And, of course, for me was were important, that the relations between my couple could develop the best way.

 We are started already to speak about the marriage.

 I have the hope that the Engagement will be soon!

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