Our American Customer In Love

I have an incredible love letter to share with you, Luda. Here it is below. I miss our search together for my bride. LETTER: Olga, you will definitely sleep in my house and we won't be sleeping. Olga My Darling Cherished One  I have been so delighted with all your letters! You are a vision of pure estrogenic feminine brillance with the most stunning of beauty my eyes have ever touched. You are the passion of a love song on an insatiable constant replay. You are my light that chases away the dark of night. You are the fire of my every desire. And I am the Alpha Male who will quench your heart and send your ecstasy to climatic flares so priceless and rare beyond compare. We were born to be as one and to dance in the Sun. Our souls have chosen our hearts have interwoven. We were meant to be life partners born to be as one. I'm a Christian Musician Recording Artist Guitarist Singer Songwriter Performer. And you have my undivided attention with total devotion to your every happiness and completeness as we ravage the night into the sunrise when climatic heights reach their peak and we subside in each other's arms in twisted bed sheets. You feel the buzz of a tingling satisfie soul that has warm blanketed a peaceful feeling from the rise of sensual sensational waves . You are the most precious woman alive who transcends the magnificence of your man who accomplishes the world in his hands and then unselfishly gives to you. As he praises and honors you with incomparable devotion, faithfulness, and an unbreakable love. Olga darling, My eyes were instantly captivated, mesmerized by the very essence of you enlightening me by your total persona. Your flower is so perfectly formed and melded into my very being, and I will live to please you and hold you forever to my side. These hands will take you into me as we start our exponential love journey. Olga My Bride to be. I will serenade you with love songs I have written just for you. Olga, my love, be my forever fire, my endless amber is you. Your Bradley Jay

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