No To Banality

 Our Italian client is very educated and he wants only very special lady. We try to find him such lady. We send him some photos of beautiful ladies, but he is still thinking.

"I tell you a simple thing. My friends and girl friends are all graduates, with a good job, economic possibilities, owned houses, high cultural level, ... So for example in a dinner between couples of friends, what does a woman have to do with me? Ukraine with a sexy attitude ??? My friends and girlfriends would tell me I've gone a fool. What would be an element of interest to others: the provocative dress, , the silicone lips?
There would be no problem if by my side there was a woman who is NOT ECONOMICALLY RICH, but very beautiful, simple, elegant, dignified.
It would be welcome.
There are no prejudices of any kind, but a definitive no to vulgarity and banality."

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