Marina Is Looking for Wedding Dress

 Marina Is Looking for Wedding Dress

 We wrote already about our new couple in our Matchmaking agency “Love”.

 The name of this happy girl from our agency is Marina. You can see her in our  photo.

Marina is going to be married with Thomas, a man from USA.  For a while  ,when Marina is waiting  Thomas at the end of July, Marina went to  Odessa  for  study to be a hair artist.  Marina and Thomas decided that this profession will be good in USA. After marriage will be easy to Marina to find a job  with profession like this.

 Now Marina in Odessa and she was so kind to send some photos to us.

  As in Odessa there are  some nice shops  where you can buy nice modern wedding dress ,Marina decided to give a look. She wants  that her dress will be a very special.

We are sure that Thomas will like her choice. Happy woman! In our time, she is looking for wedding dress! 

And for me, It is nice to think that I helped for  Marina and Thomas to feel happy,  in this not easy time in our world now.

This is our  new bride Marina.

Marina is looking for Wedding dress in Odessa.

  Marina wants a special wedding dress/

What a nice weather now in Odessa.

Odessa is famous for talented painters.

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