Love is Name of my Matchmaking Agency


Name of my Matchmaking agency is "Love". In my agency many people  from all world has met the  destiny. I work almost 20 years. And I am very happy when my clients are in love.

 Today one more client sent me a nice letter about her love. She met  her love in our agency.

When I first time saw his eyes time stop for me and nothing was more important than time with him. His character remember me all the things which one was important for me and I feel like special man come to my life and I will never feel loneliness anymore. I feel butterflies and warm. Never in my life I didn’t feel happiness and lovely power. I’m grateful for God. I’m grateful for this man, I’m grateful to his parents. I’m just flying right know and wish for all people in the world to feel this happiness. Love its everything what we have. We should live for this feeling" Tania

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