The life like the ocean. If we look to the ocean ,We see that the ocean is changing every second.The waves come and go out, comes and go out.the same in the life.
Yesterday our couple was very happy to be togather. today they are not sure,if they will be togather in the future.It 's a pity, beaucause its took a lot of time and emerge to make this couple ,I was whis the girl in Syprus one week. in the house of a man,they spended one week togather.
It's so painful when the hope dies.
But I steel have the hope ,that they will be togather.
They are young and if you look to them,it's so beautiful couple.I wish them to find the way to be to gather.
Special evening in the house of my client. His mother is the best cooker in the world.
I liked Cyprus a lot.
If there is the Paradise is the world- its here in Gyprus.
$IMAGE5$ I's in the airport in Syprus on the way home.
Even the cat is proud of his counry. He is happy to live in Cyprus. At least not so cold in winter,