

 Love... Everybody dreams to find it, but God gives this great, special feeling only to special couple. For the majority of people God gives only night. This is a reality. 

 This my couple received from Heavens this wonderful feeling , but... they  not together now. It is so pity.  Some my client want to  say to this couple:" Be together. Do not lose, what you have".

 This letter  wrote very clever girl from my Agency- Anna. This letter she wrote for this couple. 

"When we emerging into closeness, it is never easy for each of us.. Period of being in love, now canged for Love. And its a difficult period that await for every couple. On this stage couples often separate with lots of disappointment about each other..thinking that " again its not how i dreamed about" .. Sometimes we cry from vulnerability when we see parts of ourselves that we don't want to see. But.. we are holding hands, we learning how to be completely l honest without fear to hurt our partner. We are talking without guilt. We are taking responsibility for the future of our relationship. We are seeing that divine in each other that we once saw.. we are opening to each other more and letting go everything for what its time to let go.. Loving relationship is a Way to ourselve through another person."


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