How We Work Now

How We Work Now

 The situation in the world is better now, but still not good for many business. What about work in our agency now? Many my clients ask me.

 I will say only one thing-people without love cannot live. And love helps the people to survive in difficult moments of life. 

 The people are waiting for love, are looking for love ,even the situation is difficult in all planet.

 We  are working now and try to help the people to meet their love.

 The clients who are in Kiev now -they have the dates in Kiev . Some clients even go to visit the girls in their villages and cities of Ukraine.

 Many clients  bought the  Viber or Whats app of the girls and try to know the girls before  to come in Kiev. 

 The famous French writer O.de Balzak was in correspondence with his future wife Evelina Ganskay few years before they met each other. He  was in Paris,Evelina was living in a little Ukrainian town Nemirof near Vinnitsa in Ukraine. They were writing the letters to each other almost every day and when they decided that they knew each other rather well for marriage -then  O.de Balzak came to Nemirof and they were married in Nemirof and then went to Paris.At  the 18 th century the trip from Ukraine to Paris took one week. But so happy marriage it was!

 Why i wrote about their marriage?

 It is for you ,dear  friends, in order to show you that before marriage will be nice to know your future wife rather well by writing the letters to each other.  

 We also have the hope that in July we will be able to organize the Party of marriage minded people. After  each Party we have at least one marriage. We will write about this event later.

 So ,dear friends,we are working for you even in this not simple time

Balzak was writing the letters to his future wife Evelina almost 10 years before marriage.

Evelina was happy to receive the letters from Balzak almost every day. They became close thanks for letters.

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