He Still Looking For....

 You think that for wealthy , good looking man from good country can easily to find his dream woman? No, for him It is also very difficult to find that woman. Read his letter and you will understand yourself.

"Dear Luba, mine is a race ( very reasoned( against time and I’ll explain better: - in August 2024 she wants to come to Italy the Russian woman with whom I spent the New Year’s week in Istanbul: she is a beautiful woman and she is very much in love with me, - a beautiful Italian friend of mine has just separated from her husband. She is a public school teacher. She is a wealthy woman, she has a beautiful villa with garden, car, money. She often writes to me and is asking me out with her..., I will have to make a decision by August 2024. So I will choose a woman for me Maybe another woman will come. Perhaps through you or through direct knowledge. This is the yes"

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