Diference Between Ukraine's Women and Italian's Women

Diference Between Ukraine's Women and Italian's Women

An Italian woman gets up in the morning and goes to work as a lawyer, doctor, teacher, engineer,... An Italian woman earns a minimum of 1,500,00euro every month. An Italian woman is economically independent. An Italian woman has a house, a car, money in the bank.... A UKRAINIAN WOMAN MUST HAVE 4 THINGS TO INTEREST AN ITALIAN MAN:BEAUTY, YOUTH, FIDELITY, HOUSEKEEPING

If a Ukrainian woman does not have all these values, the Italian man does not waste time with her.

K. and N. are immature, so unable to be with a man. I feel sorry for them, but not me, but you will see what future they will have.

I hope I’m wrong.

My woman can not be beautiful but beautiful. Believe me it is full of beautiful women in my country.

Remember what I’m telling you : . Your work will not end, but these Ukrainian girls like K. and N. and others will have lost the best years of life and many dreams thrown in the trash for wrong choices and to their detriment.

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