In Paris in taxi
Our hotel
Hotel did not let to us to take the room before 15.00. it is after 25 hours to be in bus from Kiev until Krakow and ·3 hours in plane Kracow- Paris.
" Paris meet us with rain. It was some sportif cmpetitions and taxi could nor drive more that 7 km in one hour. Yes, we were happy to be in Paris. It was our dream to visit the capital of France, but if you did not sleep 2 nights- you have only one desire-to sleep.
But when we came to hotel -we found out that we could take our rooms only at 15.00. we came in hotel at 12,00 This way started the date of our client Tania and Andry.
The beginning was not happy and Andry was late. Every negative moments were finished when I saw him. He was as a Sunshine for me. Tall, elegant with a charming smile- he was real Frenchman which I saw in my dreams."- that way Tania started her love story in Paris.
( Tomorrow we will publsh second part) |