Alliance of Matchmakers

My name is Luda. I'm the owner of Marriage Agency "LOVE". I work more than 20 years in this field and the idea of Nataliya Koval to create the" Alliance of Matchmakers" I liked a lot. I know Nataliya many years and I can say that she is perfect matchmaker and hard working person. She has always something new in her work and I will be happy to collaborate with her and another college to collaborate. Together we can do more in this field, I'm sure. Let's start!

  Today I received a letter from Alex Pinto . I'm sure he will help us a lot. Thanks a lot,Alex, for you help. I also will be active in Alliance, because I  was thinking a lot about this myself.

 Letter of Alex Pinto:

Dear colleagues who are attending U.M.A. conference. Please be so kind to fulfill the registration form and send it to UkrainianMatchmakersAlliance@gmail.com
This email address exists so all your provided information will be kept in private, only accessible by the event organizers. (Natali Koval and Alex Pinto)
As you may agree, facilitated communication and privacy issues are indispensable for such event to take place. An Alliance, only can happen between people who give themselves to know, not mentioning the fact, expenses will be made based on a trust to all the participants who will email us back the Form.
For this reason, the Registration Form is a mandatory case.
Thank you for your understand"

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