Alliance of Matchmakers of Ukraine
We continue to read the opinions of people about Alliance of Matchmakers of Ukraine.
Here , one more opinion:
" Оля, I agree with you, but I genuinely believe that matchmakers are the only available and legit alternative foreigner men have.
If we analyze how many men are appealing to emerging new matchmakers operating since a couple of years, we do understand the market tendency so; all is favorable to us "old school." ;)
Online dating will never finish.
It represents 90% of the market. But on the other hand, our target client is not the online dreamer but those who recognize the importance and value of our work. agree with you, but I genuinely believe that matchmakers are the only available and legit alternative foreigner men have.
If we analyze how many men are appealing to emerging new matchmakers operating since a couple of years, we do understand the market tendency so; all is favorable to us "old school."