Views: 160 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-08-04 | Comments (0)

 Notre  client est a la recherch de femme comme ca. Chere dames! Si voue etes comme ca , 40 + . ecriver a nous. Et le destin va vous sourire. Cet homme est tres bien , je peus dire ideal. Nous attendons votre lettres.

"La femme idéale de l'homme Balance est belle, cultivée, raffinée et élégante, avec une personnalité suffisamment forte pour le guider dans les décisions et le soutenir dans les moments critiques, avec qui construire une relation aussi égale que libre."

Views: 143 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-08-04 | Comments (0)

Not all our dates are finished by marriages. It is normal. But we try to work with the clients untill we find to them their dream lady.

"Dear our customer! It seemed to me that we found complete understanding and trust in each other. I thought that great projects and the joy of meeting were waiting for us ahead. I sincerely tried to find for you that one, most beautiful girl. maybe we'll look again and find what you're looking for! we live in such a difficult time and it is so difficult to meet the right person .. but you must not give up, somewhere there lives that only and desired girl for you! I wish you inspiration and bless you for the search for happiness and love! good luck to you my friend with the best wishes", Elena

Views: 151 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-08-04 | Comments (0)

 Today we received this letter from new client and decided to answer to all our future clients. We want that they know that we are working , even the war in Ukraine.

"Good Morning. I was visiting your site and i wonder what is the situation presently in Ukrain with lots of problem going on there? what would be the procedures to meet the ladies and how will you normally arrange meeting or talking with the girls. I appreciate your comments . Also, what is your charges to arrange contacting the girls.?"

Situation in Ukraine is  difficult. but we continue to work as  majority of our ladies are in Europe. We propose to our clients to meet with  the chosen lady in their country or in any country comfortable for him and for lady. ... Read more »

Views: 164 | Added by: luda | Date: 2023-08-04 | Comments (0)