This video is sent by one of our client. He is a very romantic person and  can see the nature in very romantic way.

Regardant ce video je me souvient les vers immortelles qui chante dans ma memoire:

«Сe n’est pas  l’Hiver encore, une blonde lummierre arose  la nature

Et dans lair tout rose, on croirait qu’il nege de l’or”.

Views: 256 | Added by: luda | Date: 2021-10-23 | Comments (0)

Do you know what age range I should look to find lady who would be happy to build relationship with man like me?'- this question our clients  ask us very often.

 Man is alone, It is not easy to find a lady for his future life. He look in Internet and can see many Marriage agencies there. But from what to start? We answer to this question.

Tell me age,  character, etc about women and I will send you the photos of some candidates. I work about 20 years in this field and i have experience. I love my job and I helped many people to meet their destiny. In this photo you can see the wedding of one my couple.

And one day we will publish you wedding photo in our site.

 Then will be next step.  We will write about th ... Read more »

Views: 274 | Added by: luda | Date: 2021-10-23 | Comments (0)