Experience with Luda the Matchmaker I arrived in Kiev from a long flight and called Ludawithout prior notice and checked into an apartment that was recommended by Luda. She said to come to her office afterwards which she gave directions to my taxi driver. I arrived at her personal apartment and I wasinvited to come inside. She told the taxi driver to wait, it would only take 15 minutes. As I entered her apartment,which was in disarray, I realized that this was where she worked from. Luda said never mind the mess, and showed me a picture book of hundreds of marriages she arranged over 20 years. Next she asked me to look at another photo book with many beautiful ladies and put a marker of those I would be interested in meeting. All the ladies in the book were really very beautiful and they were candid shots not photo shopped. There was no description of the woman or age. I am 64 years old and was concerned about the age differences but she said that it was not important and that ... Read more »

Views: 1020 | Added by: luda | Date: 2017-04-05 | Comments (0)

Hay personas que preguntan porque muchas mujeres de Ucrania buscan a un hombre en el otro país.

Hay varias razones. Para empezar hay más mujeres en Ucrania que hombres. Para comprobar esto sólo hay que dar una vuelta por las calles de Kiev. También está demostrado estadísticamente por diversos estudios de la población ucraniana. Os propongo un juego, porque no contáis cuantos hombres y cuantas mujeres encontráis en la calle principal de Kiev durante un día, calle Chrezhatik, los resultados os sorprenderán.

Las mujeres ucranianas son leales con su pareja. Si deciden que es el hombre de su vida harán todo lo posible para que las cosas funcionen. Lógicamente el hombre de sus vidas es el hombre que les enamore.

También son románticas, les gustan los gestos simbólicos, como por ejemplo las flores. Es comprensible que en el país donde el invierno dura a veces unos seis meses le ... Read more »

Views: 1110 | Added by: luda | Date: 2017-04-05 | Comments (0)