You know already about big event in our Agency. Our client Mishael from Australia is going to be married whis our client. We are very happy about this. Mishael was waiting this event all his life.

 Before marriage always a lot of work. But the most important thing is- to buy the ring and to buy the dress. Our new couple is very busy now to do those very important things. Will be interesting to know the opinion of our client where to buy this Wedding Dress. Maybe somebody can recomend us some special designer? Call us+380679749242 Luda We wii be thankful for everybody for the help.

Maybe we will shoose  this dress?

Views: 965 | Added by: luda | Date: 2017-03-16 | Comments (0)

J’ai rappelé Luda, la marieuse, elle est toujours là, fidèle au poste, malgré les difficultés de son pays. Elle m’a demandé d’écrire un texte pour elle, pour sa société. Elle fait partie de ces Ukrainiens de ces Ukrainiennes, honnêtes, loyaux et courageux. Elle mérite notre soutien. Elle mérite notre attention, car elle a fait énormément pour nous, les hommes occidentaux à la recherche de femmes que nous ne trouvons plus chez nous. Elle a donné aussi énormément pour les femmes, les jeunes femmes ukrainiennes qu’elle aime et qu’elle a cherché avec succès à apparier à marier avec nos hommes de nos pays soit disant plus riches. Mais riches en quoi ?
Je vais retourner à Kiev, rencontrer ma marieuse une nouvelle fois encore.

Views: 910 | Added by: luda | Date: 2017-03-16 | Comments (0)

Mike decide to marry whis our client! Congratulation!

A very good news in our Agency!. Michael is ready to make a proposal for marriage for our client. We are looking for rings now. His fiancee is very special  woman  and , of course, she wants a very special ring. Its very difficult task now for Michael to find in Kiev this ring. But its so pleasant job. He was dreaming about this job many years. We ere very happy for  Mike and his fiancee. Hope to be in their wedding!

Views: 940 | Added by: luda | Date: 2017-03-16 | Comments (0)