Our client Paul wrote about his trips to Ukraine in order to find his dream girls. Maybe its will be interesting to another mant to read in order to avoid to make some mistakes.
Hello my dear Luda
I wanted to tell you my experiences about my 6 datemeetings with women in Ukraina these last 5 years. Sorry all my datemeeting was unlucky.
Mais finalement je connais un peu ces femmes.
Some women want have fun with good diner to restaurant meet generous gentleman but they do not really open their heart and share the deep feeling which is the door of relationship. I remember I have met 3 times the same woman in kiev and in Lugansk and I never got a simple kiss but only smile and thank you
I remember only 1 datemeeting very romantic I did in Lugansk. It was a young girl 19 years old with a baby. I never had contact with here but on evening I fel alone after the girl who I planned to meet run away from me. I opened my comp
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