My name is Liza. I am 26 years old. I am 160cm, 49kg, blond girl with blue eyes.
I was never married and no children. I have very special profession for girl-I am a pilot. Yes, so special profession. I studied 5 years in order to have this profession.
I like sports, I like to study and know something new, my marks at the University were the best all 5years. I am proud of this. I am not home girl. I do not like to cook and make my home cozy. I like to create something new. I am active, responsible and strong, i am from intelligent family.
I want to meet for marriage a man with strong character, older then me and more stronger then me.
ID GIRL: Liza 1257
Уears: 26 years | Weight: 49 kg | Height: 160 cm | Children: No | Profession: Pilot
Added by: luda | Contact person: Liza 1257 | Phone: 5 |