Уears: 40 | Children: NO | Education: University 2016-02-09, 14:47

To go out into a little trip on a yacht on an uninhabited island and to feel Adam and Eva... To visit the culinary courses of local kitchen and coming home to prepare for each other! Remembering romantic evenings, conducted on a coast. To test anything first in life two together!
Remembering romantic evenings, conducted on a coast. To test anything first in life  together! And feel yet close and more native for each other. To divide gladnesses and distressing, flights and falling. To understand, value and love each other.




ID GIRL: 486Lena

Уears: 40 | Weight: 45 | Height: 162 | Children: no | Profession: own business

Added by: luda | Contact person: 486Lena | Phone: 4 | Tags: 486Lena
Views: 3894 | Rating: 5.0/1

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im 25 im serious im searching for a spouse to complete my life
im from algeria

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