Уears: 33 | Children: NO | Education: College 2020-02-01, 16:06

I like being active. I like summer, sun. Water, Good Weather,

Learn and try new things in life. Explore new.

I like study new In phsyhology, ethic, finances, like travel, see new cultures, new people.

Dream to met good, kind, understanding, smart , wise man. 

With who we will have same ideas about life, with who we will look in the same side.

ID GIRL: Lena 1764

Уears: 33 years | Weight: 43 kg | Height: 160 cm | Children: No | Profession: Hairdresser

Added by: luda | Contact person: Lena 1764 | Phone: 4
Views: 655 | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 1
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Man is a soul, not a body. Because the soul is the rest, and the body is the one that wears out in the dirt. Therefore, love of the soul before the body is one of the most beautiful qualities of love that builds a strong relationship between husband and wife. Because the beauty of the soul is more important than the beauty of the body
There are many women who love to play and have sex on the site please stay away from me

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