Уears: 23 | Children: NO | Education: College 2018-11-27, 00:47


 I am muslim girl. I was born 08.10.1995. In my family the family's value are very strong. I am sure that the woman has to be faithful to her husband. It is in our culture.   All girls  before the marriage are virgin. In my culture it is a law. We all respect the laws of our culture. That's why our family are strong. I am ready for marriage and for children. I know how to make my home cozy, how to cook our traditional dishes, how to take care about my future husband.

 I am tender and responsible. I like the nature, the animals, the life itself. I like to dance, to go for a long walks in any whether, to enjoy the sunsets, to watch the animals and the birds.I am religious. Will be nice to meet a responsible, religious, stable man for marriage.


ID GIRL: 1343 Layla

Уears: 23 | Weight: 50 | Height: 170 | Children: no | Profession: Seller

Added by: luda | Contact person: 1343 Layla | Phone: 4 | Tags: Layla
Views: 800 | Rating: 5.0/1

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