Ads in category: 2117
Shown ads: 2065-2070
Уears: born28.12.72
Weight: 64
Height: 174
Children: one daughter, born1992
Profession: interpreter,Engl.
ID GIRL: 91 Alina
Knowledge of English: 5
Уears: 23
Weight: 48
Height: 162
Children: no
Profession: manager
ID GIRL: 90 Ksenia
Уears: 43
Weight: 49
Height: 164
Children: one daughter
Profession: manager
ID GIRL: 89 mila
Уears: 41
Weight: 50
Height: 174
Children: no
Profession: self empl.
ID GIRL: 87Evelina
Knowledge of English: 5
Уears: 30
Weight: 56
Height: 173
Children: no
Profession: teacher of Greak Language
ID GIRL: 86 julia
Уears: 33
Weight: 50
Height: 171
Children: no
Profession: manager
ID GIRL: 85 Alexandra
Knowledge of English: 4